Love is everything it's cracked up to really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An update...

Let's see...I have been back from Haiti for 2 weeks now...I've gone through the emotions of happy, sad, thoughtful, tearful...I am ever so happy to be home...and missing Haiti, my Haitian friends, and all the people we worked with more than ever! I can't wait to go back, and yet I am happy being grounded here in Oregon for a while... I think my heart lives in both places...

My stomach is still not back to normal...but improving each day that goes by...I eat lots of fruits and veggies...I'm sick of bread and bland foods...I'm taking antibiotics one more time...**

I am extremely excited to be sharing the work we did and the people we met with my friends, family, and coworkers...I will be sharing a slideshow of pictures over the next couple of months...

I had planned to come home, start back in to American life slowly...boy was I wrong!!! It is just as busy as it was before I left!!! I haven't stopped for a moment!!! Looking forward to warmer weather, sunshine, and flowers everywhere!

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