Love is everything it's cracked up to really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for...

Monday, March 8, 2010

One more...

From Saturday 3/6...

Still no internet...

Clinic was painfully slow today, but it gave me time for the counseling I also gave me time to talk with a few of our translators...they really are amazing people!!! I will miss them all dearly! The young teenage boy also came back for one last visit! He was smiling for the first time, and it made me feel so touched that I had made a difference for at least one person! I did get him to take a picture with me too!

We drove to 2 orphanages today...heartbreaking! The children are all well cared-for...but it just stinks that they have to survive on so little... We arrived at the first orphanage during mealtime, so we helped feed all the kids...I held, played with, and fed a little girl about a year or so old...precious! She was so snuggly and could tell right away she doesn't get much of that...and she had a great appetite!!!

It was a bit frustrating to drive around more of the town and see the tents and tarps labeled "USAID...from the American People." I think it is absolutely ridiculous that we feel the need to advertise our assistance to the world. Can't we just give for the sake of giving... "The true measure of a good person is doing the right thing when no one is looking." NOT asking for a pat on the back for doing it...way to go USA!

We were supposed to go out tonight...a little dancing and drinks at a club called Extreme in Petionville...However, we were given news at dinnertime that 2 MD's from Doctors without Borders were kidnapped yesterday around dinnertime in Petionville...right where we were headed... No news yet on why, and no leads on where they might be... Needless to say, we were not allowed to leave the property!

So we instead invited our Haitian friends to the house (with alcohol of course!). We all still got dressed up and had a house party!!! Sooo much fun...except for the part where I was ready to go to bed and still so drunk I knew I would hate myself in the morning...So I downed 2 nalgene bottles of water, waited another couple of hours...and hit the hay. Oh yeah, and we sang happy birthday to Gail!!!

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