Love is everything it's cracked up to really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for...

Monday, March 8, 2010

A little late...

This is really Friday 3/5...

Internet down...

Let's see here...Worked in Clinic...again! Lots of counseling today...the one that sticks out the most is a mom and her 6 year old son...the boy witnessed his friends being killed in the earthquake while they were playing outside...he is the only survivor. Mom says he still calls out for his friends, asks where they are and if they can play, and has dreams about them. It just I quickly explained to the mom that kids have a different view of death than adults do and that it will take him a lot more time to understand that death is permanent. I also explained that when it is fresh, for a kid, they quickly forget that someone is dead until they speak of them and it is pointed out...Heck, my grandmother has been gone for 10 years and every once in a while, I still go to call her on the

We cooked tacos for the staff tonight...soo much fun to hang out with them and give them the night off...there were about 30 of us...let me tell you, I now have an even greater appreciation for all the handwashing of dishes and hours of cooking they do for us day in and day out!!! We talked into the night, playing cards...

The group watched "Catch me if you can..." Not my favorite movie, so I was in and out doing other things...Like taking a COLD shower. It has been a bit cooler, and I stupidly waited until 9pm to take my cold shower...felt good when it was over, but it was almost painful!

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