Love is everything it's cracked up to really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

First Snow-Timberline Lodge 2013

Well, we attempted a shot at pictures of the girls seeing snow for the first time. I know, I know, they have no idea what it is or that they are "seeing" it.

Scott and I were supposed to go up to the mountain the weekend I got put on bedrest when I was pregnant with the girls. Obviously that didn't happen. So this trip to have lunch at Timberline was mostly for me, so I could see snow this year.

But then I got this crazy idea that it would be fun to take pics with the girls, since it would be their first snow experience. Let's just say, it wasn't as glamorous and memory-making as I had dreamed it up to be. Dirty snow in the parking lot of Timberline Lodge. Photo shoot fail. Oh well, next year has to be better, right?!?

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