Love is everything it's cracked up to really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Good drugs are easy to come by in Haiti...

Let's see...drama filled evening last night...thank goodness I'm not in the middle of it...blah...same ole' same ole' that goes on at home was brought to Haiti...dumb!

More drama this morning...sure hope everyone moves on and enjoys the rest of our time here...

Felt an aftershock while in clinic today...much less stressful being awake and outside when it happens...there really is added panic when you are awakened by the shaking...

I am doing groups tomorrow...can't wait to actually put my social work skills to use!!! I think there are about 40 patients, plus those they bring...

Alicia and I rode up to Petionville with Joel, Carmel, and Esayi this afternoon...we needed to get a couple things at the market, and they were was so fun, and interesting. First off, none of them speak English, so Alicia and I were on our own to figure things out. Then we had to exchange our money at the customer service counter after ringing up our items and holding up the line, because this particular market won't accept USD in the checkout line...and the items I had, which would cost about $15 in the US, cost about $25...crazy! I guess we were in the affluent part of town (think Lake Oswego)... Then we bought new bottled water...a 5 gallon bottle cost 12 gourdes...about $.30! But considering the average Haitian salary is $360 per year, they still can't afford it.

Dinner was delicious...basic actually, but hit the spot...I think my salt is low and all I really wanted was some plain white rice with a little butter, salt and pepper. Yum! Comfort food I guess...

Quiet evening, hanging out, reading on the front steps of the guest house... Katy thinks she has a kidney stone...good thing we have a her some vicodin and she is feelin' good...well, it still hurts, she just doesn't necessarily care about the pain anymore :-)

That's all for now...good night to all...hopeful for a peaceful, silent, still night in Haiti and the world around...

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